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Social services department is one of the other national organizations of the government. Department of Social Welfare, Social Welfare Ministry is working relentlessly to strengthen the social safety standards with comprehensive and multidimensional programs for the welfare and development of the destitute, neglected, backward, poor, orphan, autistic and disabled people and the disadvantaged sections of the society. norder to fulfill the constitutional pledge for the different backward classes of the country in the light of the 15 (d) rules of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, the allowances of widows, widows and husbands, poor allowances for disabled people, education stipends for the disabled students, freedom fighters honorarium, natural calamities and risk tackling programs etc. In the case of introduction, this sub The role of the office is widely appreciated abroad. In 1947 Urban Community Development Board, Dhakander this, the social services of the hospital were adopted in 1955 under the City Social Service Office and Social Welfare Council. Legislative hawkers (government shelter centers), state-run under the orphanage of 1944 and the Widow Sadan Act of 1943. The responsibility of managing orphanage (government children's family) was taken in 1961 by the Social Welfare Department. Later, due to the widespread expansion and expansion of social services, the government was promoted as a permanent national organization in 1978 and as a Department of Social Services in 1984. view of social philosophy and development strategy, in order to encourage the social workers engaged in this huge work, the Honorable Prime Minister of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh was inaugurated in 1999 on the occasion of 'Social Service Day'Announced. In the cabinet meeting on June 4, 2012, on January 2, the date of declaration of 'National Social Service Day' was listed as 'B' category. By celebrating this day, social activism has brought new momentum and life and social workers have excited.